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Poster campaigns for the right to protest and the defense of human rights


  • Print design
  • Sociale media

Amnesty International is a global movement of people campaigning for human rights. It takes action for victims of human rights violations, based on impartial research and international law. The organization is independent of any government, political ideology, economic interest, or religion.

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Right to Protest

Throughout history, protest has played a crucial role in giving people a voice, denouncing injustice, holding authorities accountable, and defending human rights. Thanks to protests, we have gained many of our fundamental rights.

In recent years, however, these hard-won rights have increasingly come under pressure. Many states and political leaders view protests as a threat and do everything they can to restrict, undermine, or even ban them.

Within the visual identity of Amnesty International, Catapult designed four poster images for ‘Université d’été Amnesty,’ a workshop on the right to protest for “those who are interested in human rights.”

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Campagne “Recht op protest” (Right to Protest)

Throughout history, protest has given people the opportunity to express their opinions and ideas, call out injustices, hold authorities accountable, and defend human rights. It is largely thanks to protests that we have gained most of our fundamental rights.

In recent years, however, these rights have come under increasing pressure. Many states and political leaders view protesting as a threat. They do everything in their power to restrict, hinder, and even ban it.

Belgium is no exception. A proposed law that would allow for judicial bans on protests, the criminalization of malicious undermining of state authority, administrative fines (GAS fines) against organizers of protests, and exorbitant penalties in social conflicts are just a few examples.

The “Right to Protest” coalition not only delves into the current situation but also examines the potential threats to the right to protest that we may face in the coming years.

The “Right to Protest” coalition is made up of a broad array of environmental organizations, trade unions, human rights organizations, and other associations that are united in their efforts to defend the right to protest.

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Political debate

In the run-up to the 9th June 2024 elections, four NGOs are challenging the leaders of political parties on their programmes and key issues regarding respect for human rights, both in Belgium and abroad.

Amnesty International Belgique francophone, la Ligue des droits humains, le Réseau wallon de lutte contre la pauvreté, and CIRÉ have joined forces to organise this political debate.

With the “…, ON S‘EN FOUT?” campaign, we aim to highlight that 2024 is a crucial election year for human rights. Political parties on the campaign trail, as well as the next government, must commit to making human rights and international law an unshakeable foundation of their policies. This involves avoiding double standards and actively combating impunity, which lays the groundwork for future human rights violations.

Provocative questions about conflicts and human rights have been translated into a clear and recognisable design, presented as pamphlets aimed at politicians and advocacy organisations.

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What we did


  • Caligraphy
  • Poster design
  • Campaign
  • Print design


  • Image processing
  • Sociale media

A plan? A project?
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anton@catapult.be +32 (0)3 239 10 10